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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Change your Gmail into Online Storage Machine with Gmail Drive

Now a days Each GMail account comes with a 7 Gb (and counting) storage capacity but how many are actually utilizing it fully? Here is a ways how you can turn your GMail into an online storage. That’s right, a 7 Gb web storage to keep/retrieve anything you want online simply just by uploading/downloading them.

How to use Gmail Account as a Online Storage?
The best method is “Gmail Drive” . You all have to do is Just Install Gmail Drive. Once you installed the Gmail Drive you will see a Drive names as “GMail Drive” will be appears in My Computer.

Once you will click on “Gmail Drive” a PopUp will appears like this:
Just Login in it via your Gmail ID & Password.

How to Upload Files via “Gmail Drive”?
Exactly. Drag and drop
So, Ready to use Gmail Drive? Download it from the Following Link:
Download Link & More info here
